Welcome folks,

It has been a while since we have been able to attend or sponsor any workshops. We were able to offer a zoom workshop this spring. We hope folks found it beneficial. I participated in a week long traveling engagement, speaking to producers and conservationists alike in Colorado this fall. It was a great experience. This was sponsored by Working Circle. If you don’t know about them look them up, https://www.workingcircle.org/. Working Circle is hoping to be able to expand their scope and being more workshops to Oregon in 2022. Keep an eye on this website for future workshope

I know folks are struggling with the wolf re-introduction. For ranchers/producers (big or small), these workshops will offer some suggestions on ways to work around with the wolves. My husband and I are living this situation and have found some workable solutions. During the workshops they will talk about experiences and what they have found that has helped them. There will be other producers who have a vast knowledge of wolf/cattle conflict sharing their ideas. Please keep in mind as we share our experiences that this is what has worked for us. You will probably need to adapt ideas to fit your individual situations.

This will be your chance to listen to our ideas and then pick our brains. Please don’t miss this great opportunity.


Shella DelCurto, Strategic Ranching on a Landscape with Wolves